How Technology Has Changed The Hiring Process

The recruitment process used to be a slow process where CVs and cover letters were read by people in the office. A pile was prepared for those interviewed, and the rest went into the shredder. 

But now, CVs and cover letters are sent to recruiters and jobs. Technology has taken a key role in helping recruiters to make smarter decisions faster. 

So how has technology changed the recruiting process? 


A huge chunk of job searches and applications now take place on mobile phones. Many websites offer a completely mobile-optimized application process. 

The applications will find and import your LinkedIn profile, meaning you don’t need to type anything at all. 


LinkedIn has revolutionized how we search and apply for jobs. Recruiters have a range of exceptional tools that allow them to filter through potential candidates and reach out to them personally. 

Job searchers or those currently hiring can even add a filter to their image to let people know they are open to work or have work available. 

LinkedIn also makes it possible to see who in your network might offer a ‘way in.’ 


It used to be more undercover, but there is power in the job seekers and those within the company. Websites like Glassdoor allow reviews of the interview process, how the company's culture is, and a little more behind the scenes. 

This information means that people have more of a view of the company and can make better decisions regarding their job applications. 

It’s not just these technologies that impact your job selection process; they impact how the landscape of your chosen industry looks now - and in the future.