Getting a job at Google as a non-coder is impossible, right? Wrong. Here are five ways to break into one of the world's top companies, no matter your background.
Cover letters are the most misunderstood part of the job application - and often the biggest missed opportunity. This guide walks you step-by-step through the entire process of writing one that actually gets results.
Do you hate writing cover letters? Or coming up with the perfect resume bullet? Or just figuring out what to do with your life??? Good news: ChatGPT is here to help!
And not just the $$$ or the health insurance - but the way it shatters your confidence.
So here's a quick guide to getting your mojo back ASAP. Not through self-affirmations or mantras but through the 5 sweetest words in the hiring universe: "We'd like to interview *you*!" ⚡️
As a career coach, job-seekers have been asking me: "With the world practically shut down, what do I do now?"
So I reflected on what's happening today — and what's likely to happen next. And I believe these are the three things every job-seeker should be thinking about right now...
Stop wasting your time reading TechCrunch and a million other blogs. Instead, focus on the only three things that will actually help you get an awesome tech job.
The biggest obstacle to breaking into tech isn't out there in the world.It's within. Make sure you tear down these three psychological blockers standing in the way of your dream job.
Think you need a fancy degree to break into tech? Think again. There *are* three things you need - but they have nothing to do with where you went to school. Introducing the 3 H's...
When you think about the language of tech, don't think C++ or Ruby on Rails. Instead, think brogrammer, unicorn, and lean startup. Because those terms are the kinds of lingo that insiders use to understand whether you're part of their tribe - or on the outside, looking in.
Everyone says you've got to learn to code - but have you ever asked them to prove it? Here's the data that shows coding is overrated - and the techniques you need to land a tech job without it.
I always dreamed of working in tech. But there was just one problem: I was a kindergarten teacher, not a computer scientist! Learn how I overcame my anxieties about the tech world and landed roles at Apple, LinkedIn, and beyond.
Did you major in business, psychology, English, or history? Don't let the headlines freak you out. Turns out there are 3x as many roles for non-coders in Tech as for computer scientists!